E-commerce has seen significant growth over the past few years–both large retailers and small artisans are flourishing. They now have access to tools that help them create distinct storefronts online that can reach customers who aren’t accessible any other way. That’s not to say there aren’t challenges. No matter how big or small your e-commerce business is, before you launch or add a new feature, you will need quality assurance testing. It is critical to expose any usability and functionality flaws–and ensure that your business is accessible to everyone. We are approaching the holiday season–a demanding time for e-commerce businesses. That is why we released a new e-commerce guide. We want to help you understand how swiftly e-commerce is growing, where it’s headed, and why you need testing to keep up with all the changes that are coming.

The Rise of E-Commerce
Every year, more people utilize the convenience of online shopping. According to Statista, e-commerce sales have jumped from $1.3 trillion (U.S.) in 2014 to $5.7 trillion in 2022. But those sales aren’t just from U.S. stores–and that creates challenges for e-commerce businesses.
It is important to understand how users interact globally with the same application–because there are a lot of factors that impact their purchases, including devices, languages, and payment methods. A reliable quality insurance partner will conduct localization testing for your e-commerce business. They can verify the accuracy and behavior of a software application based on a specific region or country. Testing also examines functionality and user experience–which are essential to running a successful e-commerce business.

Payment Methods Worldwide
Every customer has their preference for how they pay while shopping online. Consumers in most regions of the world prefer credit cards, digital payment systems (PayPal and Stripe), and debit cards. Payment testing will ensure those methods function as designed–as well as other payment methods that are more common outside the United States and Europe.Explore our e-commerce testing guide to learn more about payment methods worldwide.

Where to Start with Browser Testing
Understanding what devices and browsers to test is always a challenge. Depending on which region in the world you sell your products, consumers may have different devices, browsing methods, and shopping behaviors. E-commerce businesses need all of these factors to work in union, no matter what device they own, what browser they prefer, or how the person shops.
If you are new to testing and want a better understanding of browser usage, you can visit some of our posts about iOS, Android devices, and desktop browsers. We also share additional information in our latest e-commerce testing guide.

Cart Abandonment and Accessibility
Most of your customers will put an item into the cart–but never purchase it. Cart abandonment is often caused by functionality issues or poor user experiences. Omnichannel and A/B testing will ensure your e-commerce business works across all devices and browsers–they are critical to ensuring your customer completes their transaction. Also critical–building your business with accessibility in mind. Millions of potential customers have disabilities. They need your e-commerce business to have features that work for them–features you may not think of, such as color contrast and proper keyboard navigation. If you are not familiar with accessibility testing, please visit our accessibility services page and check out some of the resources on our website.
2022 E-Commerce Testing Guide
Now that you have an idea of what you’ll find inside our 2022 E-Commerce Testing Guide, don’t wait to download it. The information could be what helps your business grow with the e-commerce boom–and not get left behind. Visit our resources page if you are interested to look at e-commerce guides from previous years.
We are always trying to improve as a business and testing partner. Feel free to share some feedback with us via our contact page.