Localization and Internationalization Testing

For more than a decade, our quality assurance experts have helped companies launch web and mobile experiences to a global audience. With a team of native speakers, we test the accuracy of translations within the context of applications and confirm their functionality. Our localization and internationalization testing ensures our clients’ applications offer their users consistent, high-quality experiences regardless of country or region.

User with mobile device outdoors. Overlaid is the outline of a map of the globe.
Illustration of a portion of the world map with location markers placed on each visible continent. The location markers are all connected together by curved shapes.

Internationalization Testing

Internationalization testing ensures our clients’ software can adapt to all languages, regions, and cultures. Our team of QA experts goes through hundreds of scenarios, testing our clients’ software architecture, design, and code. Internationalization testing is important to determine how the software can handle region-specific elements, such as character sets, currencies, and date and time formats.

A group of testers working together on their laptops at a table.

Assembling Teams of Localization Specialists

Before we begin localized projects, we curate a select group of testers and resources to meet specific language needs. At PLUS QA, we use only native language speakers and writers for localization testing. We keep localization testers on projects they are familiar with to maintain consistency and streamline the testing process. Over the years, several top 100 Fortune companies have hired our team to support them with localization testing.

Illustration of a laptop in front of a globe. On the laptop screen is a diagram showing a translation of language taking place.

The Importance of Well-Localized Content

Through localization testing, we make sure all translations fit the user experience and the application. This enables successful adaptation to the culture and environment of the target audience. Our teams ensure product descriptions, special characters, pricing, tax calculations, and translated content resonate appropriately. Thorough localization testing plays a crucial role in the success of a global application launch.

A collection of mobile devices arranged on a shelf. Placed next to it is a sign that reads "+QA"

Configure and Test on Real Devices

Testing on real devices is crucial as it allows us to replicate authentic user scenarios in diverse global contexts. By conducting tests on real devices across different regions, languages, and cultures, we ensure our clients’ software adapts flawlessly to varying environments. This process unveils nuanced issues that might go unnoticed in simulated environments, thus ensuring applications are robust and responsive in real-world situations. Our commitment to real device testing is critical to assuring your software is primed for global deployment.

A listing on Airbnb in Israel. The page is displayed in the Hebrew language.

QA Case Study: Airbnb Right to Left Localization

PLUS QA spearheaded all localization testing to integrate Arabic and Hebrew languages into Airbnb’s application. The languages differ from most because they use right-to-left (RTL) writing directions. Beyond the typical challenges of translation and linguistics, the shift to RTL demanded careful attention to visual, functional, and behavioral elements. Our quality assurance efforts enabled more than 300 million Arabic and Hebrew speakers worldwide to utilize Airbnb.

Explore the transformed experiences: Arabic and Hebrew.